CSC 461:Project on Database System
Format of the Project Report:
1. Introduction
- Background
- Objectives
-Methodology (Organization selection, duration, activities)
2. Brief Introduction to the Organization.
3. Analysis of activities / problem identification.
4. System design / logical modeling of requirement.
5. Implementation and testing to
6. Conclusion (lesson learnt)
Evaluation Criteria of Project Work.
-Presentation skill
-Organization presentation
-Questions Answers
-Scope of Work / Future Implementation of Project
-Over all documentation of Project report.
Evaluation of Project Work:
- Supervisor
-Internal Evaluation (At the mid of project work by supervisor, HOD ,coordinator )
-Final Evaluation by External (At the end of the project by External, Internal and Supervisor).
Marks Allocation:
- Supervisor- 60
-Internal -20
-External -20
Total = 100 full Marks, Pass marks = 40.
Report Format of "Project on Database System"
Part A
1. Title Page
2. Project Work Evaluation Sheet
3. Examiner Certificate
4. Students Declaration
5. Acknowledgement
6. Executive Summary or Abstract
7. Abbreviations
8. Table of contents , List of Figures , List of Tables
Part B
1. Chapter I: Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Problems Statements
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Scope and Limitation
2. Chapter II: Requirement Analysis
2.1 Study of Existing System or Literature Review
2.2 Data Collection Methods and Sources
2.3 Software Requirement Specification (Functional and Non-Functional)
2.4 Feasibility Analysis(Economical, Technical, Operational)
2.5 System Planning
2.5.1 Software Development Model or Methods
2.5.2 Main Activities of the Software
2.5.3 Resources Requirement(COST Estimation)
2.5.4 Time Scheduling (GANTT or PERT Chart )
3. Chapter III: Design
3.1 System Architecture or Over View
3.2 Diagram ( Select only one Structure or Object oriented Methods)
(System Flow chart, Context Diagram, DFD Level 1, DFD Level2 E-R Diagram, Data Dictionary, Decision Table etc)
(Use Case, Class Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Activities Diagram, Deployment Diagram,State Diagram , E-R Diagram )
3.3 Modules Description (at least two modules)
3.4 Interface Design (Form and Report)
4. Chapter IV: Development and Testing
4.1 Coding Tools (Back End and Front End)
4.2 Testing (Methods, Techniques, Test Plan and Test Report, Tools )
5. Chapter V: Support
5.1 Implement Plan
5.2 Maintenance
5.3 User Manual
6. Chapter VI: Future Application and Conclusion
7. Reference
8. Bibliography
Note: Part B may be about 40 to 50 pages, with 1.5 line spacing, 1.25
inches margin on either side, printed on A4 size papers. Ten percent variation on
either side is permissible.
Part C:
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1. Source Code
2. Snapshots
3. Brief background of the organization where the student has developed the project.
4. Operational Manual
5. Other supporting documents
Prepared by:
1. Dr. Subarna Shakya
2. Er. Mahesh Kumar Yadav
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