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Friday, February 5, 2010

Model Question: Introduction to Cognitive Science

Model Question: Introduction to Cognitive Science
Semester: IV
Time: 3 hrs                                                                                         Full Marks: 100

-               Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
-               Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks

1.      What do you mean by cognitive science? Compare it with other sciences with examples.

2.      Explain the importance of artificial intelligence. How can you represent knowledge? Draw the block diagram and explain it with suitable example.

3.      What do you mean by syntax and semantics for propositional logic? Explain with suitable example.

4.      Why searching is required? Explain in detail about any two blind search techniques with suitable example.

Is it possible that artificial intelligence can exist without searching? Justify it. Explain in detail about any two informed search techniques with suitable example

5.      Why neural network is important? Explain any type of neural network system along with its algorithm.

6.      What do you understand by Turing machine? Design a Turing machine with finite set of states as q0 and q1, alphabets are 'a' and blank, initial state is q0 and assume suitable transitions.

7.      What do you mean by Chomsky hierarchy? Explain it with suitable practical examples.

8.      Why connectionist approach is required? Explain it with any two models with real time examples.

9.      What are the approaches of Descartes for human machine interaction? How can you implement it with turing machine?

10.  What is natural language processing? Explain the issues in syntax and semantics in the natural language processing.

Differentiate between natural language understanding and natural language generating. Explain different parameters used in the natural language processing.

1 comment:

  1. answers pani rakhdeko bhaye sajilo hunthyo yarr sathii


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